About Us

We are a registered training instiute in the Ministry of Higher Education of Maldives operating under Skill Farm Pvt. Ltd.

Corporate Training Institute Maldives (CTI Maldives) is a leading premium training institute for corporates registered in the Maldives, offering solutions to model your team into an engaged, skilled, talented and fit-and-proper

Our philosophy “Upskill, Engage & Empower” is meant to
transform organizations by bringing out the best in individuals
through upskilling, engaging and empowerment.


Why choose CTI Maldives?

At CTI Maldives you can find the perfect match to your organizational challenges with
solutions made just for you. We possess outstanding execution skills that ensure in-house, round the year or off-site engagement exercises are just what your people need to drive
business growth and development.

Become the leading training institution in the region who helps to transform organizations through employee upskilling, engagement and empowerment solutions.

Our Aim

Our Work

In-House Customized training

We offer a wide range of courses tailored for your workforce from professional office management, customer experience, leadership and motivation techniques & more..

Expert Knowledge Sharing Conferences

Hear from the best! Our conferences are open to anyone who is interested and are aimed at improving the life of working individuals while also facilitating professional development.

Off-site Team Building Camps

Take some time off from the hectic work environment and come with us to reflect on the work and at the same time building teamwork among the workforce

Up-skilling courses round the year

Outsource your induction program to us. We conduct classroom trainings for soft skill development for various organizations all throughout the year.